Consensus 2023 Hackathon

6782 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 7
6782 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 7

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Apr 17, 2023, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 06, 2023, 03:59 AM UTC (UTC)


Polkadot unites and secures a growing ecosystem of specialized blockchains called parachains. Apps and services on Polkadot can securely communicate across chains, forming the basis for a truly interoperable decentralized web.

Polkadot unites and secures a growing ecosystem of specialized blockchains called parachains. Apps and services on Polkadot can securely communicate across chains, forming the basis for a truly interoperable decentralized web.

Polkadot's unique technology allows it to offer a number of benefits, such as:

🔹 Scalability

🔹 Interoperability

🔹 Security

🔹 Upgradeability

💰 Best overall submission built on Polkadot = $25,000 and 2k USD worth of KILT Coins!

Checkout all challenges here

Judging criteria

You can find our general judging criteria below. Pay attention, some challenges may have their own criteria, please find those under the challenge description.

Impact and Usefulness

How impactful and useful is the submission in the Polkadot/Kusama/Substrate ecosystem?

Web3 Contribution and Advancement

How does the submission contribute to and advance Web 3.0 as a whole?

Originality, Creativity and Innovation

How new and novel the submission is versus existing technologies?

Technical Difficulty

What is the level of skill or knowledge required to build the submission?

Mass Usability

How feasible is the idea? How adaptable is it across other integrations? How sound is the business model?


Polkadot ecosystem workshops

Save the dates for the workshops and lear more about the Polkadot ecosystem!

Date Team Topic Speaker
May 2      
10-11AM ET (4-5PM CET) Interlay Building Web3 on Bitcoin with Interlay Phillipp Bunke
May 3      
10-11AM ET (4-5PM CET) Gear Learn the essence of Gear Protocol while coding a game Luisa Medova
May 3      
11AM - 12PM ET (6-7PM CET) Polkadot Intro to Polkadot - live coding Aaron Bassett
May 4      
10-11AM ET (4-5PM CET) Astar Network Wasm smart contracts Pierre Ossun
May 4      
12-1PM ET (6-7 PM CET) KILT Protocol A DID Messaging App Dudley Needham
May 8      
11AM-12PM ET (5-6 PM CET) Unique Network Customizing an Image Representation of a Complex NFT Bundle  Max Andreev 
May 9      
10-11AM ET (4-5PM CET) Moonbeam Building a Connected Contract with Moonbeam Kevin Neilson
May 12      
12-1PM ET (6-7 PM CET) Zeitgeist Building with Zeitgeist Malte Kliemann

Other useful resources

Below you’ll find general Polkadot resources that can help you guide your way - if you wanna go down the rabbit hole and dive even deeper for wikis and documentation or find the relevant Discord channels, this is where you’ll find plenty of information.


  • Official Devhub Documentation - The entry point for learning about Substrate, including conceptual and reference material.
  • Tutorials - Hands-on tutorials to learn everything needed to start building your own Substrate blockchain.
  • How-to Guides - Step-by-step implementation guides of common patterns when developing with Substrate.
  • Rustdocs - API reference documentation.
  • Polkadot Wiki - Polkadot’s official documentation portal, covering everything you need to know about building and interacting with Polkadot.

💻 Primary GitHub Repositories

🎨 Templates

🛠️ Tooling

📚 Libraries

  • Polkadot-js-api - Interact with Substrate nodes in Javascript.
  • Subxt - Submit extrinsics to a node via RPC in Rust.
  • Substrate-connect - A JS library and browser extension to run an in-browser light client for your application.
  • Frontier - An Ethereum compatibility layer for Substrate chains.
  • Cumulus - A set of tools for writing parachains.

👇 Useful Projects



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